Wednesday, May 08, 2024
Phil Joseph
Branch Manager
Sr. Mortgage Loan Originator
Over 30 Years' Experience
Movement Mortgage 
Rancho Bernardo Branch
11770 Bernardo Plaza Court #451
San Diego California 92128

Direct: 619.507.3558
Fax: 858.430.2557
NMLS# 249549
Licensed in California by the Department  of Business
Oversight under the Residential Mortgage Lending Act 417-0015 
Movement Mortgage may not be the lender for all products offered on this website. Some loans may be made by a lender with whom American Pacific has a business relationship. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Helping the Appraiser

Once you have selected an appraiser, be prepared to answer questions and provide requested information such as:

  • What is the purpose of the appraisal?
  • When is the required completion date of the appraisal?
  • Is the property listed for sale and if so, for how much and with whom?
  • Is there a mortgage? If so, with whom, when was it placed, for how much, type of mortgage [FHA, VA etc.], interest rate, and are there any other types of financing.
  • What personal property, such as appliances, are included ? If it is an income producing property, a breakdown of income and expenses for the last year or two and a copy of leases.
  • A copy of deed, survey, purchase agreement, or other pertinent papers pertaining to the property.
  • A copy of current real estate tax bill, statement of special assessments, balance owing and on what [sewer, water, etc.].