Phil Joseph

Loan Programs

Choosing a Loan Program
The right type of mortgage for you depends on many different factors. After A quick 5 minute phone call we can help narrow down the loan programs options for you.

Government Loans
VA, FHA and USDA Loans are a great option for low or zero down payments. There is no limit to VA zero down loan options. We also offer DPA’s (Down Payment Assistance) options on FHA Loans. Please ask us about Zero Down Loans!

Self-Employed Loans
If you are Self-Employed as a sole proprietor or incorporated we have loans that do NOT require tax returns or income documentation. We use Bank Statements and/or P&L’s to validate income for your home purchase or refinance! Please ask us about loans with no tax returns.

Jumbo Loans
We offer Jumbo Loans to $10M for purchase and refinance of residential homes and 1-4 units. Please ask us about our Jumbo Loan Products.

Conventional Loans
Conventional loans are secured by government-sponsored entities such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Conventional loans can be made to purchase or refinance homes, single-family to four family homes.

Fixed Rate Mortgages
A loan program where your monthly principal and interest payments never change.

Interest Only Loans
"Interest-only" products are an easy way to save money and a very popular alternative to traditional fixed rates, but they are not without risk. An "Interest Only" loan can offer consumers greater purchasing power, increased cash flow, and a number of other benefits, which are listed later in this article.

Interest Rate Buy downs
In certain markets, Interest Rate Buy downs may be available. In general buy downs, this is how they work. Payments are reduced and figured on a lower interest rate over a specific term. The difference between the "real" note rate and the lowered interest rate is paid in cash by the seller or the buyer. The more common buy downs are 3-2-1 and 2-1.

Reverse Mortgages
A reverse mortgage is a special type of loan made to older homeowners to enable them to convert the equity in their home into cash.

Initial questions we will discuss to help determine your loan qualifications and program options

10 Questions

  1. What purchase price are you looking for?
  2. Condo or SFR?
  3. What do you feel like your MAX monthly housing payment should be?
  4. How much money do you have for the down payment and closing costs?
  5. Would you be getting any gift funds for closing?
  6. Are you a military veteran?
  7. Do you own any real estate now, and yes, what?
  8. Are you married? Divorced?
  9. Are you a W-2 or self-employed?
  10. Job history for the past 2 years?